Best Vitamins For Energy and Depression - Blog | 2023 | jrny - jrny

By Jamal Ayton-Brown

12 Best Vitamins for Energy and Depression

One of the best ways to help with depression and low energy levels is to take the right vitamins, so we’ve rounded up the best vitamins for energy and depression for you to help you out.

Energy and depression are closely linked, with
low energy levels in females being a common symptom of depression. So, if you’ve been feeling tired and are wondering why, it may be worth speaking to a doctor about depression. Once you know for sure, you’ll want to know how you can help to treat your depression, which in turn will help with your energy levels. 

What is Depression?

Depression is when you feel persistently sad for an extended period of time, rather than just for a few days. It can affect people in different ways, so everyone may see different symptoms.

Many people who suffer with depression experience symptoms of anxiety, as well as hopelessness, unhappiness and loss of interest in the things you enjoy. You may also experience physical symptoms such as tiredness, poor sleep, or lack of appetite.

If you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms, then the first port of call is to visit a doctor. They’ll be able to diagnose your depression, which will help you understand how to treat it. 

A great way is to find out what the best vitamins for tiredness and lack of energy are. By doing this, you can look to improve your energy levels with these natural energy boosters. So, let’s get stuck in and find your perfect vitamin match.




One of the best vitamins for energy and depression are omega-3s. Several studies have been done into the effects of omega-3 on depression, and early results conclude that they may be helpful in treating some forms of it. They can also be helpful for those with conditions such as ADHD or AuDHD.

Omega-3s contain fatty acids which the brain needs to function properly, helping to ease any brain fog symptom. Research suggests that people with depression may not have enough EPA and DHA (two of the main types of omega-3). 

Up to now, research on the use of omega-3s in the treatment of depression are positive. However, there is a need for larger studies and continued research into the subject, but it doesn’t hurt to try!

We Suggest

Omega-3 can be added into your diet in a number of ways. The most common are fatty fish such as mackerel and salmon, cod liver oil, and plant-based sources such as chia seeds, walnuts and soybeans.

You could also opt for a supplement that includes omega-3, of course. One of our favourites is the Vitl Vegan Omega 3, as it’s not only got all the goodness, but it’s also vegan friendly!



Vitamin D

Another of the best vitamins for energy and depression is vitamin D. Researchers have found that many people with depression also have low levels of vitamin D, showing a link between the two. 

Small studies have suggested that various different groups of people see an improvement in their depression symptoms after they take vitamin D supplements. The benefits aren’t totally confirmed, though, as a larger study suggested that there was little difference between those taking vitamin D and those taking a placebo over an extended period.

We Suggest

More research is needed to determine the link, but it’s well worth a try. Perhaps the easiest way to increase your vitamin D levels is by increasing your sunlight exposure. By spending more time in the sun, you’ll soon see a boost in your vitamin D levels!

Our Plant-Based Protein Superpowder is a great source of vitamin D, especially if you struggle to get regular sunlight! As well as offering vitamin D, it also contains a range of other vitamins and nutrients that are helpful in treating low energy levels in females.


Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 deficiency is closely linked to low energy levels, as one of the most common symptoms of B12 deficiency is fatigue. There’s also thought to be a link between B12 deficiency and weight gain, so if you notice yourself gaining weight as well as having low energy levels, then you might want to speak to the doctor about whether you have depression.

If you’re diagnosed with depression, then you’ll probably be looking for ways to help manage it. Vitamin B12 is one of the best vitamins for energy and depression given B12 deficiency’s close link to low energy levels and therefore depression.

We Suggest

Vitamin B12 can be found in a number of foods, so it’s pretty easy to fit into your diet. Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products are the best sources if you follow a diet that includes animal products. If you don’t, then you’re going to want to incorporate fortified foods or supplements!

A good vegan protein powder is a good way to go if you want to try a tasty plant-based supplement. Our jrny supplement is a great choice, as it not only includes B12, but is packed with other nutrients!



If you want to find one of the best vitamins for energy and depression, then you might want to give zinc a try. Zinc is really important for helping the body function properly, but it’s also thought to affect our mental state

Studies have shown a link between lower levels of zinc in the body and depression. Further studies have suggested that zinc can help to improve symptoms of depression. It can help to reduce inflammation in the body, in turn helping our brain and immune system to function correctly.

We Suggest

The body can’t produce or store zinc by itself, so you need to make sure you get enough through your diet. Good food sources of zinc are oysters, as well as red meat, poultry, nuts, beans and breakfast cereals. 

If you can’t fit zinc-rich foods into your diet, you might try a supplement to help boost your levels. Holland & Barrett Zinc Tablets are great for helping to boost your energy levels, and they’re easily one of the best vitamins for tiredness and lack of energy!



Magnesium is a macromineral that’s really important for the body to function properly. It can help with everything from the formation of DNA to the regulation of nerve and muscle function. Low levels are also linked to depression, so magnesium is thought to be one of the best vitamins for energy and depression.

The effects of magnesium on depression still need more research, but current evidence is positive. One study found a significant link between low levels of magnesium and depression in adults, while others suggested similar results. 

We Suggest

Magnesium is in a lot of our favourite foods, so it shouldn’t be too hard to fit into your diet. Green leafy veggies are a great source, as are nuts and seeds. Avocado is another good source, so your avo on toast just got a whole lot better for you! It's also worth looking into medicinal mushrooms UK brands offer as a means of getting in more magnesium!

If you find supplements easier to get your magnesium intake, then you’ll want to find the perfect one for you. Find some great multivitamins for women, such as our jrny shakes, and you’ll be getting a bunch of goodness, including magnesium, in one go!


Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is one of the best vitamins for energy and depression. It’s been shown to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, with participants in one study reporting a reduction in both after taking vitamin B6 every day for a month.

Vitamin B6 is responsible for maintaining a healthy nervous and psychological function in the body. It helps to make neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine, which are the body’s happy hormones.

So, by boosting your B6 levels, you’re also helping your body to make those important happy hormones. The only question left, is how do you incorporate B6 into the diet?

We Suggest

To get your B6 through food sources, beef liver, tuna, chickpeas and some fruit and veg are great sources. There's many foods that are rich in vitamin B6, so you shouldn’t find it tricky to swap into your diet.

You can also opt for supplements, if you want an easy way to incorporate B6 into your day. Just Vitamins Vitamin B6 Tablets are some of our favourites. Get yourself these, as they offer the perfect dose of what’s often referred to as the “female vitamin”.


Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9, which in its natural form is called folate, is a great vitamin for managing depression and reduced energy levels. It is thought to help reduce symptoms of depression, as it’s needed to create norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine, all of which affect the body’s mental state.

People with depression typically have lower blood B9 levels than those who don’t have depression, suggesting a link between them. Early research has even suggested that adding vitamin B9 to antidepressants may increase the chances of a positive response to the drugs, though this requires much more research.

We Suggest

If you want to up your vitamin B9 intake, then a good way is through foods such as asparagus, eggs and leafy greens. A balanced diet is often one of the best and easiest ways to increase your vitamin intake. That’s very much the case when it comes to vitamin B9.

Another good way to boost your vitamin B9 intake is through supplements, and there are plenty to choose from. In fact, our Plant-Based Protein Superpowder contain B9 as well as a bunch of other important vitamins and minerals. Enjoy a cup of this once a day, and you’ll see your energy and overall health improve in no time!


Vitamin C

Now, it may surprise you to hear this, but vitamin C is actually one of the best vitamins for energy and depression. People who suffer from a vitamin C deficiency often feel extreme tiredness as well as experiencing depression, so it’s something to consider if you’re suffering from these symptoms.

Studies have shown that people with lower levels of vitamin C often find that their mood improves after consuming vitamin C, suggesting that it’s helpful for boosting your mood. Even in people who don’t have low vitamin C levels, a vitamin C supplement can help to improve their mood! Bear in mind that more research is needed, but it’s worth checking out the benefits!

We Suggest

If you think your vitamin C intake is affecting you, then there's several ways to do so. Fruit and veggies such as oranges and red peppers are vitamin C rich, and easy to incorporate into your diet.

If you prefer to take a supplement, then there are some great ones out there to choose from. Of course, we’d recommend speaking to your doctor before picking, but if you’re looking for a good standalone vitamin C supplement, then the My Vitamins Vitamin C Plus Tablets are a great choice. 

Multivitamins such as our jrny shakes are also a great choice if you want to boost your vitamin intake across the board. They contain vitamin C along with a bunch of other nutrients that will have you feeling fantastic in no time.


Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 is essential as it helps the body’s cells to convert food into energy. If you don’t have enough B1 in the body, then this process won’t happen as it should. This can lead to symptoms such as tiredness, muscle weakness and loss of appetite.

It makes sense then that vitamin B1 would be one of the best vitamins for tiredness and lack of energy, right? By boosting your body’s B1 levels, you’ll be helping it to function properly. This allowing it to convert your food into energy. It really is that simple!

We Suggest

If you want to get more vitamin B1 into your diet, then foods such as pork, fish, sunflower seeds, and yoghurt are a great place to start. They’re also pretty easy to swap into your diet, so you shouldn’t find it too hard to make the changes.

Another great way is to take a supplement, which can be particularly handy if you’re happy with your diet as it is and just want to boost your vitamin B1 intake. A great supplement to go for are the Holland & Barrett Vitamin B1 + Thiamine Tablets, as they’re a quick way to get your B1 and boost your energy.


Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 is essential in maintaining the body’s energy supply. This means that it’s one of the most important vitamins to consider if you’re suffering from tiredness and depression. It can cause significant change to your energy levels.

B2 can also convert carbs into a substance called ATP, which helps to store energy in the body’s muscle cells until needed. So what we’re saying is that it’s a pretty key nutrient when it comes to boosting your energy.

B2 also acts as an antioxidant, helping to avoid conditions such as heart disease, as well as being essential for good eyesight. Seems like it’s a bit of an all-rounder, doesn’t it, so it’s well worth incorporating into your diet!

We Suggest

If you’re looking for foods that are rich in B2, you’re in luck, as a lot are full of it. Key sources include milk, eggs, rice and spinach, which are pretty easy to fit into your diet! Remember, though, that UV light can damage and destroy B2, so it’s important to store these foods out of the sun.

There are also some great supplements out there that can help to boost your B2 levels. Multivitamins such as our shakes are perfect, as they contain the right daily amount, as well as topping up your other nutrients at the same time!


Vitamin B5

You may have worked out by now that the B vitamins are pretty essential for converting food into energy. Vitamin B5 is no different, and it’s another of the best vitamins for energy and depression

As well as helping to make energy, B5 is needed for a bunch of other functions, from keeping the skin, hair and eyes healthy, to making red blood cells. So I guess you could say that B vitamins are pretty important for our overall health and wellbeing!

We Suggest

The best way to make sure you get enough vitamin B5 is to incorporate it into a balanced diet. It’s found in most vegetables, especially in broccoli, cabbages, and white and sweet potatoes. It can also be found in meats, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. This makes it really one of the easier nutrients to fit into your diet!

If you do want to try a B5 supplement, though, then one of the best options is Vitabiotics Ultra Vitamin B Complex High Potency. Not only does it include B5, but it also includes your other B vitamins, so you’re getting plenty of goodness in one go!



Not having enough iron in the body can seriously affect our body’s efficiency when using energy. Iron is essential for carrying oxygen around the body, so it’s important for our overall mental and physical performance. 

If you’ve not got enough iron, you run the risk of developing anaemia. Anaemia has a bunch of not so fun symptoms, but one of the main ones is a lack of energy, which we know is also linked to depression, as well as other symptoms such as iron deficiency eyes. So, basically, we want to make sure we’re getting enough iron to help to avoid the deterioration of our mental and physical condition.

We Suggest

When it comes to food, iron is predominantly found in leafy greens and red meats. Beans and nuts are also a great source. See what works for you and your diet, and also speak to your doctor about what they recommend.

In some instances, supplements will be the best way to boost your iron intake. Our jrny shakes include a dose of iron along with a bunch of other vitamins to help boost your energy levels, so they’re a great choice. We love the Double Chocolate Brownie flavour the most!

How We Chose

We chose our supplement recommendations based on a range of factors. Key things we considered were cost, as it’s super important for products to be cost effective, as well as ingredients, as it’s key to know what you’re taking.

Before choosing to take any supplement, especially to treat or manage depression, it’s worth speaking to your doctor. They’ll be able to best advise you on what the best course of action is, and you should always remember that different things work for different people! For those of you who are neurodivergent, mushrooms for ADHD also gets an honorary mention.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fastest way to treat depression?

Antidepressants and therapy are the best and often most effective way to treat depression. If you think you might be suffering from depression, then you should always speak to a doctor. They will be able to help you work out a treatment plan that suits you and your condition.

What alternatives are there to antidepressants?

Talking therapy is one of the best alternatives to antidepressants. Exercise can also help to manage your depression in the short-term. There are also natural vitamins which can help as an alternative to antidepressants, but always consult your doctor first.

Functional mushrooms have also been found to reduce anixety, mood fluctuations and mild depression. We've listed the best lion's mane supplements as a starting point.

What vitamins do depressed people lack?

People suffering from depression tend to see a lack of B vitamins and vitamins D and C, among others. Increasing your vitamin intake will contribute to overall wellbeing, but always speak to a doctor before taking supplements to ensure that you are taking the correct ones.


There are plenty of vitamins and minerals that can help to treat and manage depression and low energy levels. If you think that you’re suffering from depression, speak to your doctor in the first instance. If they diagnose you with depression, you can then discuss treatment with them.

In many cases, they will recommend talking therapies or antidepressants, or a combination of both. There is also a chance that they will test you for vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and will advise you to take a number of the supplements outlined above as part of your treatment.

Remember, everyone is different, so what works for one person may not work for the next. Always talk to a doctor first!

By Lola Sherwin


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