Symptoms of ADHD in Women | Blog | Jrny - jrny

By Jamal Ayton-Brown

Symptoms of ADHD in Women

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is commonly misconceived as a condition predominantly affecting boys and men, leading to a significant oversight in how it manifests and impacts other demographics, particularly women. This neurodevelopmental disorder, characterised by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, is not exclusive to a single gender or age group. However, societal perceptions and diagnostic criteria have historically been skewed towards male presentations of the condition, obscuring the symptoms ADHD women often struggle with.

The traditional image of ADHD or AuDHD, often portrayed in media and clinical studies, focuses on overt symptoms like physical hyperactivity and disruptive behaviour, more commonly observed in males. This has inadvertently contributed to a bias in diagnosis, overlooking the less conspicuous yet equally impactful symptoms in females. Symptoms ADHD may present include a consistent struggle with focus, organisational challenges, and an internal sense of restlessness, which are frequently mistaken for personality traits rather than indicators of a neurological condition.

The consequence of this gender bias in recognising ADHD is profound. Many women with ADHD grow up believing that their difficulties in managing daily tasks, keeping up with academic or professional demands, and maintaining social relationships are personal failings, rather than symptoms of a disorder. This misconception can lead to a host of secondary issues, including low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression, stemming from the constant struggle to meet societal expectations.

Moreover, the intersectionality of gender and ADHD means that symptoms often intertwine with the multiple roles women occupy in society. The additional burden of societal norms and expectations can exacerbate the symptoms, making it challenging for women to seek help or even recognise that their struggles may be due to ADHD. This lack of awareness and support can lead to a delay in diagnosis and appropriate treatment, prolonging the difficulties faced in various aspects of life.


Understanding ADHD in Women

Delving into the realm of ADHD in women unveils a landscape marked by unique challenges and nuances. The traditional view of ADHD, often associated with boys and characterised by hyperactivity and impulsiveness, does not adequately capture the varied ways in which the disorder manifests in women. This section aims to deepen the understanding of ADHD's impact on women, highlighting the distinctive features and the necessity for awareness and appropriate support.

Symptoms ADHD women present, often manifest differently than in men. Research indicates that women are more likely to experience inattentive symptoms, such as difficulty focusing, disorganisation, and forgetfulness. These symptoms can be more internal and subtle, leading to their frequent misdiagnosis as anxiety or mood disorders. A study from the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry highlights this trend, showing that symptoms ADHD women experience are often a range of cognitive and emotional difficulties that are distinct from their male counterparts.

The journey to an ADHD diagnosis for many women is fraught with challenges. Due to societal stereotypes and a lack of awareness, ADHD in women is often overlooked, leading to a delay in diagnosis that can extend well into adulthood. The ramifications of this delay are profound, as women may spend years struggling with unexplained difficulties in academic, professional, and personal settings. The American Journal of Psychiatry provides insights into the diagnostic challenges and the impact of delayed diagnosis in women with ADHD.

Emotional dysregulation is another key symptom ADHD women face. Women with ADHD may experience intense emotions and heightened sensitivity to stress, which can exacerbate the challenges of managing daily tasks and responsibilities. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, these emotional symptoms are crucial to understanding the full impact of ADHD on women's lives.

Lastly, societal expectations play a significant role in how women with ADHD cope with their symptoms. The pressure to adhere to traditional gender roles, while managing the complexities of ADHD such as a disorder of executive function, often leads to a cycle of stress and burnout. This is particularly evident in women who balance multiple responsibilities such as work, family, and social commitments.


How Common is ADHD in Women

The prevalence of ADHD in women, though historically underrepresented in research and diagnosis, is a significant health concern. A more nuanced understanding of ADHD has revealed that it is not exclusively a male disorder. Women are increasingly being recognised as affected by this condition.

Statistics show that the prevalence of children diagnosed with ADHD increased by 42% from 2003 to 2011. This shows a consistent trend of higher prevalence in males than females. However, in 2011, 6.7% of females were diagnosed with ADHD. This is compared to 15.1% of males, as reported by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). This data underlines the gender disparity in ADHD diagnoses but also acknowledges the growing recognition of symptoms ADHD women face.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that ADHD diagnoses and treatment patterns differ across gender and age groups. For example, in the age group of 12-17 years, 42% had been diagnosed with ADHD. Understanding these patterns is crucial for developing targeted interventions and support systems for women with ADHD.

Moreover, the lifetime prevalence of ADHD among U.S. adolescents aged 13 to 18 years was reported at 8.7%. There is a notable difference between males (13.0%) and females (4.2%). This statistic from the NIMH points towards the gender-specific prevalence of ADHD. This can have implications for both diagnosis and treatment approaches in women.

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) in the UK has reported a substantial increase in ADHD diagnoses and prescriptions over time. A study conducted by researchers from University College London, examining data from 7 million individuals aged three to 99 between 2000 and 2018, found a 20-fold increase in ADHD diagnoses and a 50-fold increase in ADHD prescriptions, particularly among men aged 18-29. Though ADHD is more commonly diagnosed in children, boys, and men, there has been a notable relative increase in diagnoses among adults.

Additionally, ADHD UK, an organisation dedicated to providing information and support for those affected by ADHD, suggests that the incidence rate of ADHD in the UK is around 5% in children and 3-4% in adults. This estimate translates to approximately 2.6 million people in the UK living with ADHD. This includes 708,000 children and 1.9 million adults.

These findings highlight the growing recognition of ADHD among adults and the need for more awareness in this area. The increasing number of diagnoses in adulthood suggests a shift in understanding and identification of the condition. This moves away from the previously held notion that ADHD is primarily a childhood disorder.

It's important to consider that these statistics may not fully capture the true prevalence of ADHD in women. Factors like underdiagnosis, misdiagnosis, and differences in symptoms ADHD women present can affect the accuracy of these figures. The increasing awareness and evolving diagnostic contribute to a more accurate representation of ADHD prevalence in women in future studies.


How Does ADHD Differ in Women

ADHD manifests differently between men and women, with varying symptoms and degrees of severity. Below is a comparison table illustrating these differences:


Women with ADHD

Men with ADHD


Often presents as dreaminess, mental fog, and difficulty in focusing on tasks. Might go unnoticed as it's less disruptive.

More likely to manifest as lack of focus on tasks and easy distraction, often leading to disruptive behaviour.


Internal restlessness, feeling of being 'on the go' internally. Less physical hyperactivity.

More outward physical hyperactivity, such as excessive fidgeting, restlessness, and an inability to stay still.


May manifest in hasty decisions in personal life and relationships, less likely to be aggressive.

Often seen in risk-taking behaviours, can be more aggressive and overt.

Emotional Symptoms

Heightened emotional sensitivity and reactivity, leading to mood swings and difficulty managing stress.

Less likely to display emotional sensitivity, may exhibit frustration and impatience.

Social Interaction

Struggles with maintaining social relationships due to emotional dysregulation and misinterpretation of social cues.

Difficulties in social settings often stem from impulsivity and hyperactivity.

Executive Function

Challenges with organisation, time management, and multitasking. Often feels overwhelmed by daily tasks.

Difficulties with organisation and planning, may exhibit more blatant disregard for rules and structure.

Comorbid Conditions

Higher likelihood of anxiety, depression, and eating disorders.

More prone to substance abuse and conduct disorders.


Often diagnosed later in life due to subtler symptoms and societal expectations.

Typically diagnosed in childhood due to more visible and disruptive symptoms.

It's also worth assesing a comprehensive ADHD in women checklist.


Symptoms of ADHD in Women

Understanding the symptoms ADHD women face is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Traditionally, ADHD was thought to predominantly affect boys and men. This led to a gap in recognition and understanding of how the condition manifests in women. Adult women with ADHD experience a range of symptoms that differ significantly from their male counterparts, often leading to misdiagnosis. These symptoms can impact various aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional achievements.



Inattentiveness in adult women with ADHD manifests in various subtle ways, significantly influencing their daily functioning and quality of life. This symptom extends beyond mere distraction or lack of focus. It encapsulates a broader spectrum of cognitive challenges. These can deeply affect personal and professional relationships, academic and career achievements, and overall mental health.

Women with ADHD often find themselves struggling to maintain attention on tasks, leading to incomplete projects and missed deadlines. This can be particularly detrimental in work settings where efficiency and productivity are closely monitored. The difficulty in organising tasks and managing time efficiently can result in a perpetual state of overwhelm. This means important appointments can be forgotten and responsibilities neglected.

Social interactions can also be impacted by inattentiveness. Women may find it hard to follow conversations, leading to misunderstandings and strained relationships. This is due an inability to focus on the dialogue, especially in environments with multiple stimuli.

Furthermore, inattentiveness can contribute to a cycle of low self-esteem and decreased confidence. The repeated experiences of forgetfulness, disorganisation, and inefficiency can lead to internalised feelings of inadequacy. This often exacerbates the emotional dysregulation commonly associated with ADHD.

Addressing inattentiveness requires a multifaceted approach, including behavioural strategies, therapeutic interventions, and possibly medication. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and mindfulness practices are beneficial in improving focus and organisational skills. Medications can help balance the neurotransmitter levels implicated in attention processes.


Hyperactivity in Women with ADHD

Hyperactivity as symptom ADHD women face often manifests differently than the stereotypical restlessness seen in children. This subtlety in presentation can lead to misunderstandings and under-diagnosis. Women may experience an internal sense of restlessness, rather than overt physical hyperactivity. This internal agitation can lead them to seek constant engagement, finding it difficult to relax or enjoy moments of stillness.

One common symptom is the feeling of being driven by a motor, a constant urge to be doing something. This isn't always visible as physical movement. It may be expressed through excessive talking, a flurry of activities, or an overcommitment to work or social obligations. The challenge here is not just the hyperactivity but managing the exhaustion that follows. Women often describe a cycle of pushing themselves to keep busy, followed by periods of significant fatigue.

Emotionally, hyperactivity can translate to a quick temper or sudden bursts of frustration over seemingly minor issues. The rapid pace at which their minds move can cause impatience with themselves and others. This can lead to strained relationships and misunderstandings.

In the professional sphere, this hyperactivity might not be all negative. It can lead to high achievements and a reputation for being highly driven. However, without proper understanding and management, it can also result in burnout and inconsistency in performance.

Addressing hyperactivity involves strategies that help in slowing down, such as mindfulness practices or structured routines that allow for breaks and rest. Recognising the need for physical outlets for their energy is crucial. Suggesting activities like regular exercise or engaging hobbies that can channel the hyperactivity positively.

Impulsivity in Women with ADHD

Impulsivity in women with ADHD is a multifaceted issue that goes beyond the occasional hasty decision. It permeates various aspects of life, from social interactions to financial decisions. This often leads to outcomes that can affect self-esteem and personal relationships. Understanding this impulsivity requires a closer look at its manifestations and impacts.

Financial impulsivity is a common challenge. Here, immediate gratification of making a purchase overshadows the practical considerations of budgeting and financial planning. This can lead to a cycle of stress and regret, as impulsive buying conflicts with long-term financial goals or necessities.

Socially, impulsivity might manifest in conversations, where women with ADHD might interrupt others, share thoughts without filtering, or engage in risky behaviours that seem appealing in the moment without fully considering the consequences. This can strain relationships and create misunderstandings, as the intentions behind these actions are often misinterpreted.

In decision-making, impulsivity can lead to a pattern of making quick decisions without thoroughly weighing the pros and cons. While this can result in positive outcomes, it often leads to situations that could have been avoided with more deliberation. The challenge lies in slowing down the decision-making process to allow for a more balanced approach.

Emotionally, impulsivity can also mean quick shifts in mood or sudden expressions of emotions that feel uncontrollable at the moment. This emotional impulsivity can be exhausting. Not just for the individual experiencing it but also for those around them, as it can seem unpredictable.

Emotional Symptoms in Women with ADHD

Emotional symptoms in women with ADHD play a significant role in the daily challenges these women face. Unlike the more visible symptoms of inattention or hyperactivity, emotional symptoms are internal struggles that can deeply impact a woman's self-esteem, relationships, and overall mental health.

One of the hallmark emotional symptoms is emotional dysregulation, which refers to the difficulty in managing emotional responses to situations. Women with ADHD may find themselves experiencing intense emotions that seem disproportionate to the event. This can include sudden bouts of anger, frustration, or sadness, which arise quickly and feel overwhelming. The challenge here is not only the intensity of the emotions. It is also the struggle to return to a state of emotional equilibrium.

Feelings of hypersensitivity to criticism or rejection are also common. Women with ADHD may perceive feedback or casual remarks more negatively than intended. This can lead to a cycle of self-doubt and insecurity. This hypersensitivity can strain personal and professional relationships, as the fear of judgement or rejection becomes a constant concern.

Another significant emotional symptom is a persistent sense of underachievement. Despite their efforts and abilities, women with ADHD often feel that they are not meeting their potential. This can be attributed to the executive function challenges that make organising, planning, and completing tasks more difficult. The discrepancy between their aspirations and their achievements can lead to chronic feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction.

Anxiety and depression are also more prevalent in women with ADHD. The ongoing struggles with managing symptoms, can contribute to the development of these conditions. Anxiety may stem from the constant effort to compensate for ADHD symptoms in daily life. Depression can arise from feelings of isolation, misunderstanding, and the cumulative impact of other emotional symptoms. These emotions also feed into comorbid disorders, which we’ll talk about in more detail next.


Comorbid Disorders in Women with ADHD

Women with ADHD frequently face additional challenges that go beyond the primary symptoms of ADHD itself. These challenges often come in the form of comorbid disorders, conditions that co-occur with ADHD. This often complicates diagnosis, treatment, and daily management. Understanding these comorbidities is crucial for a comprehensive approach to care and support for women with ADHD.

Anxiety Disorders are among the most common comorbid conditions seen in women with ADHD. The constant struggles with organisation, time management, and social interactions can lead to persistent feelings of anxiety. This anxiety often exacerbates ADHD symptoms, creating a cycle that can be hard to break. Women may find themselves in a perpetual state of worry about their performance in various aspects of life.

Depression is another significant comorbidity. The ongoing difficulties and feelings of inadequacy that come with ADHD can contribute to the development of depression. For many women, the repeated experiences of failure or underachievement, can lead to a deep sense of despair and hopelessness.

Learning Disabilities can also coexist with ADHD, further complicating the educational and professional landscape for women. Dyslexia, for instance, is a common learning disability that affects reading, writing, and spelling. This makes academic and professional tasks even more challenging. The presence of a learning disability alongside ADHD requires specialised strategies for learning and accommodation.

Eating Disorders have been observed at a higher rate in individuals with ADHD, including women. The impulsivity associated with ADHD can contribute to disordered eating behaviours, such as binge eating or bulimia. The emotional regulation issues can also play a role. Here, food becomes a source of comfort or control in response to emotional distress.

Substance Abuse is another area of concern. Some women with ADHD may turn to alcohol or drugs as a means of coping with their symptoms. The impulsivity characteristic of ADHD can make individuals more prone to substance abuse as a form of self-medication.


How ADHD in Women Exhibits in Daily Life



At home, symptoms ADHD women encounter often lead to a myriad of challenges that can significantly impact their domestic life. The pervasive inattentiveness and disorganisation characteristic of ADHD can manifest in difficulties with routine household management. This includes challenges in maintaining an organised living space, struggling with time management, and frequently misplacing household items. The sporadic bursts of hyper-focus, a common trait in ADHD, might lead to periods of intense activity. However these can be followed by bouts of exhaustion or neglect of other necessary tasks.

Moreover, women with ADHD may find it hard to establish and follow a consistent routine. This makes daily activities like cooking, cleaning, and childcare more strenuous. This inconsistency can also lead to struggles in managing finances, as impulsive spending or forgetfulness in bill payments are not uncommon. The ongoing struggle with organisation often leads to a feeling of being overwhelmed. This contributes to stress and anxiety within the home environment.

In familial relationships, the emotional dysregulation associated with ADHD can result in heightened sensitivity to family dynamics. This increases potential for interpersonal conflicts. This is compounded by the tendency towards forgetfulness, which can strain relationships, particularly when it comes to remembering important dates or commitments.

The cumulative effect of these challenges can significantly impact the quality of home life for women with ADHD. It's not just the practical aspects of daily living that are affected. It is also the emotional and relational components that contribute to a fulfilling home life. Recognising and addressing these challenges through tailored strategies and professional support is crucial. This helps  women with ADHD navigate their home lives more effectively.



In the workplace, symptoms ADHD women often face lead to distinct challenges. This can affect their professional life and career progression. The core symptoms of ADHD, such as inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, manifest in various ways that can impact work performance and relationships with colleagues.

Symptoms ADHD women might struggle with include sustaining attention in meetings or while completing tasks, leading to missed deadlines or errors. The challenge of maintaining focus can be particularly pronounced in environments with numerous distractions. Or in roles that require prolonged concentration on detailed work. This can result in inconsistent work performance, where they might excel in creative and dynamic tasks but struggle with routine and detail-oriented responsibilities.

Organisational difficulties are another common challenge. Other symptoms ADHD women experience include finding it hard to prioritise tasks, manage time effectively, or keep track of multiple projects simultaneously. This can lead being overwhelmed or falling behind in their workload, even when they are putting in significant effort.

Impulsivity in decision-making or communication can also be an issue. This might manifest as speaking out of turn in meetings, difficulty in waiting for their turn in conversations, or making hasty decisions without fully considering the consequences. Such behaviours can be misconstrued by colleagues and supervisors, potentially affecting professional relationships and career advancement opportunities.

Moreover, emotional dysregulation associated with ADHD can lead to heightened stress in response to workplace challenges. Emotional symptoms ADHD women may experience include intense reactions to feedback or stressful situations, which can be taxing both mentally and emotionally.

Given these challenges, it's crucial for women with ADHD to find coping strategies that work for them, such as using organisational tools, setting structured routines, or seeking accommodations at work. Awareness and understanding from employers and colleagues can also play a significant role in creating a supportive work environment.



For women with ADHD, the academic environment presents a set of unique challenges that can significantly impact their educational journey. Symptoms ADHD women face, including inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, can manifest in various ways that affect learning, classroom behaviour, and social interactions.

One of the primary challenges is difficulty in sustaining focus during lectures or while completing assignments. This lack of concentration can lead to missed information, difficulty understanding course material, and poor performance on tests and homework. Women with ADHD may also struggle with organisation, resulting in lost or incomplete assignments, disorganised notes, and difficulty keeping track of deadlines.

Impulsivity can manifest in classroom settings as speaking out of turn, interrupting others, or engaging in risky behaviours. Hyperactivity, while often less pronounced in women than in men, can still present as restlessness, difficulty remaining seated, or engaging in other physical activities that are distracting in a classroom setting.

Socially, symptoms ADHD women face may result in challenges in forming and maintaining friendships. They might misinterpret social cues or find it hard to keep up with fast-paced conversations, leading to feelings of isolation or misunderstanding among peers. Emotional dysregulation can further complicate social interactions, making it challenging to navigate the complexities of social relationships in a school environment.

These challenges can lead to a negative impact on self-esteem and academic self-concept, particularly if the ADHD is undiagnosed or misunderstood by educators and peers. It's crucial for educational institutions to provide appropriate support and accommodations to help women with ADHD succeed academically and socially.


Social Life

Social interactions can be particularly challenging for women with ADHD, impacting their ability to form and maintain relationships. Symptoms ADHD women present, including inattention, impulsivity, and emotional dysregulation, can manifest in ways that affect social dynamics and communication.

Women with ADHD may find it challenging to follow conversations, particularly in group settings or fast-paced social environments. They might miss social cues or have difficulty processing information quickly, leading to misunderstandings or feelings of being out of sync with others. Impulsivity can also play a role in social interactions, leading to speaking out of turn, interrupting others, or engaging in behaviours that might be perceived as socially inappropriate.

Another common challenge is the tendency to hyperfocus on specific topics or interests, which can dominate conversations and potentially alienate others. This intense focus, while a strength in some contexts, can be misinterpreted in social settings.

Emotional dysregulation is another key aspect that affects social life. Symptoms ADHD women experience might include heightened emotional responses to social situations, leading to feelings of rejection or sensitivity to criticism. This can result in strained relationships, as they may react more intensely than expected to social slights or disagreements.

Furthermore, the effort to mask ADHD symptoms to fit in with social norms can be exhausting and lead to feelings of isolation or inauthenticity in social interactions. The pressure to conform and the fear of judgement can make socialising more stressful and less enjoyable.

Day to Day

Every day, women with ADHD navigate a world where their impulsiveness, forgetfulness, and difficulty adhering to schedules present unique challenges. Impulsiveness can manifest in various aspects of daily life, from unplanned purchases to sudden changes in plans. This spontaneity, while occasionally refreshing, can lead to consequences like financial strain or disrupted routines.

Forgetfulness is another common hurdle. It might involve misplacing everyday items, forgetting appointments, or overlooking important tasks. This can lead to frustration and a feeling of being unreliable in both personal and professional relationships. The use of reminders, lists, and organisational apps can be beneficial in managing this aspect of ADHD.

Adhering to schedules is a particularly challenging outcome of symptoms ADHD women go through. The fluctuating focus and varying levels of energy can make it difficult to stick to a planned routine, impacting everything from work commitments to social engagements. This inconsistency can be misconstrued by others as a lack of interest or commitment, whereas it is often a direct result of ADHD symptoms.

Managing daily tasks and responsibilities often requires a tailored approach. Strategies might include breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps, using visual aids for organisation, and setting realistic goals. It's also important for women with ADHD to practise self-compassion, recognising that the difficulties they face are part of their condition and not a reflection of their capabilities or worth.


Treatment for ADHD in Women

The treatment of ADHD in women typically involves a multimodal approach that takes into account the unique challenges and needs at different stages of life. This approach often includes a combination of medication, therapy and counselling, stress management techniques, and lifestyle adaptations.


  1. Medication Management: Medication, while not a cure for ADHD, plays a crucial role in easing symptoms. The two primary categories of medications used are stimulants and nonstimulants. However, prescribing medication for women can be more complex due to hormone fluctuations associated with menstrual cycles, birth control, pregnancy, and menopause, which can affect symptoms ADHD women face. For some women, especially those approaching or in menopause, combining hormone replacement therapy with medication may lead to better symptom management. Careful consideration is also given to the treatment of coexisting conditions and substance use disorders.

  2. Behavioural and Psychological Counselling: Counselling for adult ADHD often includes cognitive-behavioural therapy, which helps develop skills to manage behaviour and change negative thinking patterns. It may focus on improving time management and organisational skills, reducing impulsive behaviour, developing better problem-solving skills, and coping with past failures. For women, this may also involve addressing self-esteem issues, improving relationships, and developing strategies for controlling temper. Marital counselling and family therapy can also be beneficial in improving communication and problem-solving skills within families and relationships.

  3. Lifestyle and Home Remedies: Managing ADHD also involves adopting lifestyle changes and home remedies. Suggestions include making daily task lists, breaking down tasks into smaller steps, using sticky notes for reminders, keeping an appointment book, carrying a notebook for ideas, setting up systems for organising information, and asking for help from family or loved ones.

  4. Alternative Medicine and Mindfulness: Mindfulness meditation has shown promise in improving mood and attention in adults with ADHD. While alternative medicine treatments for ADHD have limited research backing, some products on the market have research backed ingredients that can help to manage common symptoms of ADHD; such as poor impulse control, problems focusing, poor memory. Products like The Shruum have ingredients like Lion’s Mane, Ginkgo Biloba, Rhodiola Rosea and Chaga which can help to manage symptoms of ADHD in Women.

  5. Support and Coping Strategies: ADHD support groups and social support play a vital role in understanding ADHD and learning to manage it. They offer a platform to share experiences, information, and coping strategies. Involving spouses, relatives, friends, co-workers, and supervisors in the ADHD treatment process can improve understanding and relationships.


Each woman's experience with ADHD is unique, and so the treatment plan should be tailored to her specific needs and circumstances. For more comprehensive information on treating ADHD in women, you can refer to the resources provided by Mayo Clinic here and CHADD here.


Coping & Self-Help Tips


Regular exercise is a key self-help strategy for managing symptoms ADHD women face. Physical activity can significantly boost neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, which are often deficient in individuals with ADHD. This increase can lead to improvements in focus, motivation, and mood regulation. Aerobic exercises such as running, swimming, and cycling are particularly beneficial as they increase heart rate and blood flow, enhancing the overall feeling of well-being. Strength training can also be effective, providing a structured routine that may help in reducing impulsivity and improving concentration.

Exercise can also be an effective tool for managing co-occurring conditions like anxiety and depression, common among women with ADHD. The endorphins released during physical activities act as natural mood lifters. Furthermore, regular exercise can help in anger management by lowering blood pressure and reducing stress.

For women with ADHD, setting up a regular exercise routine can pose challenges due to poor time management and distractibility. To overcome these barriers, it can be helpful to choose activities that are enjoyable and varied to maintain interest. Participating in group sports or exercise classes can provide the additional benefits of social interaction and external motivation.

While exercise is a helpful adjunctive treatment for ADHD, it's important to note that it's typically most effective when used in conjunction with other treatments, such as medication and psychotherapy. Consulting with healthcare professionals is crucial in developing an effective, comprehensive treatment plan that includes physical activity.

Cold Exposure

Cold exposure therapy, involving practices like cold showers, ice baths, or swimming in cold water, is increasingly being explored for its potential benefits in mental health, including ADHD management. The primary mechanism behind the benefits of cold exposure is the body's physiological response to cold temperatures. This response includes increased blood flow, heightened alertness, and the release of endorphins, which can contribute to improved mood and reduced anxiety.

For overcoming symptoms ADHD women face, cold exposure might offer a unique way to enhance focus and mental clarity. The shock from cold temperatures can momentarily increase concentration and provide a sense of invigoration. It's also thought that regular cold exposure can help in developing resilience and improving stress tolerance, qualities that can be beneficial for individuals with ADHD.

However, cold exposure should be approached with caution. It's essential to start gradually and consult with a healthcare provider, especially if there are underlying health conditions like cardiovascular issues. It's also important to consider individual tolerance levels to cold and avoid extreme practices that could lead to hypothermia or other health risks.

While there is anecdotal evidence supporting the benefits of cold exposure for ADHD, scientific research in this area is still limited. Therefore, cold exposure should be considered a supplementary approach, used alongside more established ADHD treatments.


Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, yoga, and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), are gaining recognition as effective self-help strategies for managing ADHD symptoms. These practices involve focusing on the present moment and becoming aware of one's thoughts and feelings without judgement. Symptoms ADHD women present, can often include struggles with inattention and emotional dysregulation, for which mindfulness can offer a way to improve concentration, reduce impulsivity, and manage stress.

Regular mindfulness practice can enhance cognitive flexibility, allowing women with ADHD to better regulate their attention and improve their ability to switch between tasks. This can be particularly beneficial in addressing the inattentive type of ADHD, which is more common in women. Mindfulness can also help in developing a greater awareness of one's thoughts and feelings, leading to better emotional regulation and reduced reactivity.

Additionally, mindfulness practices can positively impact co-occurring conditions such as anxiety and depression, which are frequently experienced by women with ADHD. By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, mindfulness can alleviate some of the emotional burdens associated with these conditions.

Incorporating mindfulness into daily life can be done through various methods, such as guided meditation sessions, mindfulness apps, or attending mindfulness classes. Even simple activities like mindful breathing or walking can be effective. The key is regular practice and finding a mindfulness technique that resonates personally.


Diet plays a crucial role in managing symptoms ADHD women face. A balanced diet that includes whole foods, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can provide the nutrients necessary for brain health and overall well-being. For women with ADHD, consuming a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and flaxseeds, can be particularly beneficial as these fats are important for brain function and may help alleviate ADHD symptoms.

It's also important to limit the intake of processed foods, excessive sugar, and caffeine, which can exacerbate symptoms like hyperactivity and impulsivity. Consistent blood sugar levels are important for mood stability and focus, so regular, balanced meals and snacks are recommended. Incorporating foods high in protein can help in stabilising blood sugar and improving concentration.

Some women with ADHD might find that they are sensitive to certain food additives, preservatives, or artificial colours, which can worsen ADHD symptoms. Keeping a food diary can help identify any specific triggers and make necessary dietary adjustments.

Hydration is another important aspect, as dehydration can lead to decreased cognitive function and exacerbate ADHD symptoms. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is essential.

Support Groups

Support groups play a vital role in the management of symptoms ADHD women experience. These groups provide a safe space where individuals can share experiences, strategies, and support. Participating in a support group allows women with ADHD to connect with others who understand the challenges and nuances of living with the disorder. This can significantly reduce feelings of isolation and misunderstanding.

In support groups, members can exchange practical tips on managing daily life with ADHD, discuss effective coping mechanisms, and offer encouragement and understanding. These groups can be a source of valuable information about resources, treatment options, and strategies for overcoming specific challenges associated with ADHD. They are particularly beneficial in sharing experiences related to medication, therapy, and work-life balance.

Online support groups have become increasingly accessible, providing flexibility and anonymity for those who may not be comfortable with or able to attend in-person meetings. These online platforms can be a great resource for women who live in areas where in-person ADHD support groups are not available or for those with busy schedules.

Support groups also offer emotional support, which is crucial for managing the mental health aspects of ADHD. Discussions around common emotional struggles such as low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression can be particularly helpful. Sharing personal experiences and hearing others’ stories can lead to a deeper understanding of ADHD and its impact on various aspects of life.

It's important to find a support group that aligns with your needs and comfort level. Some groups may focus more on practical life management skills, while others may emphasise emotional support or discuss challenges specific to women with ADHD.

Participating in support groups can also lead to long-term friendships and connections, providing ongoing support and a sense of community. Women with ADHD often benefit from knowing they are not alone in their experiences and that there are others who understand and can offer guidance and support.


Parenting with ADHD

Parenting with ADHD poses a distinct set of challenges, requiring a blend of self-awareness, strategy, and adaptability. For mothers with ADHD, managing the dual demands of their condition and parenting responsibilities necessitates innovative approaches.

Staying organised is key. Mothers with ADHD might find it beneficial to keep essential items in prominent places to avoid forgetfulness. This can include placing medications, keys, and important documents in designated spots. A central family calendar, whether physical or digital, can be crucial for tracking family activities, appointments, and deadlines.

Technology can be a helpful ally. Using smartphone reminders for routine tasks and appointments can aid in day-to-day management. Smart home devices can offer assistance in remembering to turn off appliances and lights. Apps for list-making and scheduling can transform a smartphone into a portable personal assistant, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

Self-care is also vital. Mothers with ADHD often benefit from mindfulness practices, which can help in managing overstimulation and stress. Understanding personal rhythms and adapting schedules to fit these patterns can lead to more effective parenting. For example, if evenings are challenging, a mother might schedule quality time with her children in the mornings instead.

Visual cues and systems can support daily routines. Having a specific place for everyday items, using colour-coded systems for organisation, or visual schedules for children can simplify daily processes.

Parenting with ADHD also involves embracing flexibility and forgiving oneself for occasional slip-ups. Understanding that perfection is not the goal, but rather managing and adapting to various situations, is crucial.



Navigating the journey of ADHD, particularly for women, involves understanding its unique manifestations, from diagnosis and daily life impacts to tailored treatment approaches. This article has explored the multifaceted nature of symptoms ADHD women face, highlighting the importance of recognising these, the differences in how ADHD presents itself compared to men, and the daily challenges faced in various life aspects such as home, work, and social settings.

ADHD in women is a complex condition that requires a nuanced understanding and approach. By adopting a variety of coping mechanisms, seeking appropriate treatment, and leveraging support systems, women with ADHD can navigate their symptoms more effectively, leading to a fulfilling and productive life. Resources like Momwell and Exceptional Lives provide further insights and support for those affected by ADHD, offering hope and practical solutions for managing the condition's challenges.

Remember, the journey of living with ADHD is personal and unique to each individual. Embracing your path, understanding your needs, and seeking support can make all the difference in managing ADHD and thriving in every aspect of life.



What happens if ADHD goes untreated in women?

If ADHD goes untreated in women, it can lead to various complications. These include increased risks of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, and difficulties in personal and professional relationships. Untreated ADHD can also lead to challenges in managing daily tasks and responsibilities, resulting in chronic stress and potential problems with substance abuse. Additionally, the lack of treatment can exacerbate the symptoms of ADHD, making it more challenging to cope with the condition's effects on everyday life.


How many women go undiagnosed with ADHD?

Determining the exact number of women who go undiagnosed with ADHD is challenging due to varying diagnostic criteria and awareness levels. However, it's widely acknowledged that women are underdiagnosed. Some studies estimate that as many as 50% to 75% of girls with ADHD are missed.

If you're concerned you may have ADHD, try our free Female ADHD Quiz as a starting point.


How does ADHD present in adult women?

ADHD in adult women often presents with symptoms that can be different from the classic hyperactive type more commonly seen in males. Women are more likely to experience the inattentive form of ADHD, which includes difficulty in maintaining focus, disorganisation, forgetfulness, and a tendency to be easily distracted. Emotional dysregulation, such as mood swings and heightened sensitivity to stress, is also common. Women with ADHD might struggle with managing time and multitasking, leading to feelings of being overwhelmed in both personal and professional settings. These symptoms can be less overt and, as a result, are often overlooked or misattributed to other issues like anxiety or mood disorders.


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