· By Jamal Ramsay
This is a question we've been asked time and again, whether on socials, via emails or when chatting with inquisitive ladies directly through our website. The answer we normally give is a firm 'no', but we've realised the truth is slightly more complicated.
Read on to find out how...
The Product
One thing we've always been clear on is that jrny is not a 'diet shake' or a product you're advised to take because it's going to somehow miraculously make you drop weight quicker than the last time I tried unassisted squats in the gym (you'll often these shakes 'work' but that's generally because they're being prescribed as a replacement for actual food, which tends to be the worst recipe for sustainable weight loss). With a healthy dose of up to 21g of protein per serving, and 16 vitamins and minerals in their RDAs (recommended daily amounts) we're definitely more about enhancing your health than we are aesthetics.
However, what many people are unaware of about protein, is how it can help you stay satiated for longer, meaning you'll desire to snack or binge eat less and acting as a brilliant sidekick for anyone already in a calorie deficit. It's really that simple.
With jrny, you'll find our shakes are perfectly designed to combat fatigue and low energy levels in females, making them a great alternative to coffee.
P.S. 99% of diet shakes are good at one thing only; marketing!
The Ethos
If you know anything about us, then you know we're an ethos driven brand, with a big part of that revolving around our anti-diet culture mission. This is something we're proud of, but also something that we feel can sometimes create a misunderstanding. So allow us to set the record straight... To be anti-diet does not mean to be against weight loss.
Ultimately, there's a myriad of positive reasons for why somebody might begin a weight loss journey, and as long as it remains sustainable we say more power to you! For us, the problems are around society, problem companies and the way they've trained many of us to become so focused on the way we look that we make decisions that are bad for our physical and mental health, often without even realising. For that reason, you'll never see us promoting our products using sexualised imagery or around the concept that you can lose x in y weeks.
Whew! Getting that off our chest feels good! 🙂
Hopefully that clears up this great mystery for all time, but if you have any further questions don't hesitate to get in touch.
At jrny, we are made up of a team of Sports Scientists and Registered Nutritionists. We want to make sure that we’re not just putting up the pseudo-science you’d see on other sites. If any of our staff put anything on our blog that relates to your health, you can bet that it is backed by evidence-based science! It always will be. That’s our commitment to you.
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