Blog wellbeing Page 4 - jrny


  • Why Am I Always Tired? - jrny

    Why Am I Always Tired?

    We all know that sleep is important. Without it, or not enough of it, and we are sluggishly dragging ourselves through the day, longing for the moment our heads can touch our pillows at the end of the day. There...

  • Antioxidants. Important, but why? - jrny

    Antioxidants. Important, but why?

    Oxidation is a common chemical reaction where electrons are transferred from one molecule to another. It can occur when there is an imbalance of free radicals (we’ll come onto these later!) and antioxidants in the body.  The body’s cells produce harmful molecules known as free radicals, but they also naturally produces antioxidants. This is what causes those feelings of unexplained tiredness or not feeling 100%.